Saturday, September 20, 2014

Create An Appleriffic Day & A New Way To Assess Students

Hi there! Mary here! I teach 3rd grade. 
I'm proud to join this wonderful group of ladies for another fabulous Bright Ideas Link Up
This is a 2 part blog post. Don't worry, it is short and sweet. 
Part 1:
 I started this yummy tradition last year. I had so much applicious fun, that I HAD to have an Apple Day this year. 
What is Apple Day?
It is a day to break free from the rigor of the day to day. 
It is a day to have fun and bring lessons to life.
Everything, all day long, is apple themed!

I requested donations for red, green, and yellow apples. I also requested vinegar, baking soda, cinnamon, and apple spice. That was I we needed.

First up on on fun filled Apple Day was reading articles and books comparing different types of apples. As they were reading, I passed out different apples for them to test taste. 
After reading and eating, they created an apple venn diagram poster (see pic below). The kids drew apples instead of circles. 

After, the students read articles and more books about apples and parts of an apple. 
We created another poster. This one described the parts of the apple. 

Our grand finally was our apple experiment. We reviewed the scientific method. We applied our knowledge to this brand new experiment. Check out the video below. I love the excitement in their voices.

What you need for the appleriffic experiment.

Baking soda
Apple Spice

Mix baking soda, cinnamon, apple spice in a cup. Cut a hole in the middle of the apple. Spoon in some the baking soda mix into the hole. Have the kids pour vinegar over the hole in the apple and watch the magic happen.

Part 2: Assessment

Who here HATES creating assessments? Add me to the list. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was one place that had a quiz for each standard? And the kids could easily take the quiz and I wouldn't have to grade any papers? Then results (including analyzed results) would automatically be there for me?

Guess what? There is a way to have ALL of this!!

Log onto Edmodo. You can search for Snapshot or it should be at the top of your screen. 

I promise that this will make your life easier. Bonus, the kids will WANT to take a test!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've enjoyed this post! Leave some love below.

For more bright ideas more than 100 different

bloggers, please browse through the link-up 

below and choose a topic/grade level that 

interests you. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Owls, Horses, and Fall...Oh my!

Welcome to another Five For Friday. I love this linky party!
Check out my week below. 
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Just keep swimming! That's all.
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Luckily, one of my very first products has been a life saver. Not only because it adds to the limited resources available to us, but because the kiddos absolutely enjoy playing all the games.  Score one for this teacher. You can grab your own Monster Multiplication Pack by clicking {here}. For right now, it is only $3!
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 My new treasure box is beyond ADORABLE! As I pulled it out of the bag, I heard gasps followed by "wow!". My kiddos love it just as much as me. I found this hidden treasure at Ross for only $5!
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I have been blessed with an amazing opportunity to work with the ladies at Orlando Moms Blog. I applied over the summer and graciously accepted the position as a contributor. Check ou It is filled with TONS of amazing mommy stories. For example, Alternatives To The Dreaded Car Line. 
My first post has already went live! Take a look.... click {here}.

Any other bloggers out there contribute to another blog? I'm looking for tips on how to balance it all. :)
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Fall is in the air...I can't wait to feel the welcoming breeze of fall and to spot plump pumpkins being sold at all the pumpkin patches.
Bring a little bit of fall into your classroom with this fantastic fall filled pack. Click {here} to check it out!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Different Spin On Turning In Work & Homework Due Every 2 Weeks...

I've linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. One of my favorite linky parties out there. Am I right?!
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We are hitting the curriculum hard! One thing that is truly helping my kiddos grasp all area of literature, is my Lap Book.

We created a few in class. This is what I'm assigning them for homework. They have two weeks to complete a lap book.
Yes, I said it! I give my students 2 weeks to turn in homework. For now. Once, they are used to creating their lap book, I will shorten the time down. 
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Here is a little preview of my classroom.The kiddos gleefully entered OUR room and couldn't wait to take a tour. That was the very first thing we did. The next day, I received owl stickers and drawings. I think they got the hint that I like owls. LOL!
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I worked REALLY hard on establishing a wonderful classroom community. The kiddos truly enjoy nominating their classmates for our Student of The Week. Each week, we work on a character trait. Last week was trustworthy. This week is responsibility (the student of the week gets to pick which trait is going to be worked on for the week). We complete thinking maps and essays throughout the week. On Friday, they nominate a student that fits into the category. They have to list reasons why they nominated them. 

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Seriously Class Dojo! Ugh!!!!! We were just getting into a nice routine and BOOM, website is down for the WHOLE day!
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DIY (aka I'm broke) turn in folders. This wasn't my original idea. The DIY and the new twist is mine. The original idea came from Polka Dot Lesson Plans. 
Where I put it:  Below my white board. There wasn't any other spot. 
How I use it: During the day, instead of someone collecting papers, the students turn in their OWN work to their folder.  This will also let me know WHEN most of the students are done. No more, "Raise your hand if you're still working".
How I made them: Ok, after all the $$ spent on classroom supplies, there wasn't any money left over for those "fancy" folders the above website used.  But I did have left over page dividers (plastic and paper). I've had them for years. I used the plastic dividers for the base (more sturdy). Then I measured and cut (at an angle) the paper dividers. I simply stapled together and then stapled to the wall. 

Well peeps, that's all for this week. What have you been up to?

Monday, September 1, 2014



Happy Labor Day everyone. I've neglected my blog these past few weeks. School is taking up all my time. Sorry guys. I did manage to participate in this month's Currently.  Check it out. And  I promise to post more in a few weeks.