Saturday, December 7, 2013

Introduction to Infuse Learning (for iPad use in the classroom)

Infuse Learning

Are you one of the lucky teachers with iPads for your students? If you are, have you heard of Infuse Learning? Let me tell you, it is a life changer! The website lets you differentiate your instruction immediately. Right when you are seeing the need for reteaching, or just a need for a quick review. You can see if your kiddos are mastering the content being taught RIGHT AWAY. How awesome is that? The best part, you are getting answers from EVERY student, not just the ones that are raising their hands. There is a downfall, you can't get to the website using internet explorer. You need Fire Fox or Google Chrome. Let's get started. Click {here} to get to the website. Oh, this website is FREE!!!!!!!!

I highly recommend watching the video to help you get started.

Once you are all registered, sign in and start creating a class (this is where the video comes in handy).

How do I use it in my room? I usually use it in small group. This lets me reinforce any missed concepts right then and there. I will usually ask a question and use the Draw Response Quick Assessment. The students will draw or write their answers and send it to me. I can then modify my small group lesson based on answers being given to me. I especially love this one because it allows my ESOL students to draw their answers. The kiddos can also send me any questions. I do also use the Open Ended Text Answer. This one lets the kids type their answers. It usually takes my kiddos longer to respond when typing. With limited time, I only use this a few times during a lesson. The kids do enjoy the switch up from writing to typing.
Want to have a formative or summative assessment that is NOT paper and pencil that you can easily put in the grade book? Well TA-DA!!! All you have to do is easily create a quiz online. It can be a multiple choice test, open ended, true/false, etc. This is such an awesome feature.

I hope you find this information useful in your room. Please leave a comment below to let me know how you are using it. 


  1. This was perfect timing!!! I'm going to be trying this out next week! Thank you!!!!!

    1. Very Glad To Help! Let Me Know How It Goes With Your Little Ones:)

  2. Love the idea of using Infuse Learning with my iPads! Thank you!

    1. Thanks for the great feedback Amy. Hope it goes well in your room.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This sounds like such a cool tool! I wish we had an ipad!

    1. Hang in there. Hopefully your school will get some soon.
