Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday Sweets

Welcome to the 2nd installment of Saturday Sweets. My goal is to inspire other teachers' lesson plans. I know that some weeks, I just can't create the best lesson plans. I need help! So I go looking around the internet for hours. Seriously, who has time for that?! I've created this weekly link up to help other teachers with their lesson plans. I would love to hear some feedback on what you think of my linky:)!

Want to link up? Simply grab the picture above and the pictures below. Create a blog post using these pictures and a link to my blog. Explain to us your favorite two or three lessons from the week OR the upcoming week. Link up your blog below. And that's it. All done. Thanks for participating! 

Here is my example.....

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday was this week. Our district had the day off. Upon our return to the classroom, I was mortified when most of my students had no clue WHY we had the day off. Good thing I already planned some fun MLK activities.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Timeline Activity for 4-8: FREE fo
Our first activity was from I'm Lovin Lit. This activity is for older grades, but with the right guidance, it was just right for my 3rd graders. The pack includes links to a video and a website with wonderful resources. Then you also have a choice of what type of timeline you want to do with your kiddos. The timeline includes real photographs. This activity would be perfect to add to your black history month plans.

Martin Luther King Jr. Mini-Book / Close Read and Unit [Ed 
The next set of activities we worked on is from Education to the Core. 
My kiddos absolutely loved ALL of the activities in this pack, especially making their own booklet.
This packet is great for all grades. It helps organize all the great achievements throughout MLK's life.We were able to use all the thinking maps to create an amazing summary of his life. Click {here} to grab this pack.

Matter Unit: Solids, Liquids and Gases {Experiments, Lesso
I'm trying my hardest to get caught up on science. It usually gets put to the side more often than I'd like to admit. These next few weeks is all about matter. I grabbed up this super cute packet from Creative Classroom Lessons.
 Click the link to grab the packet!

Her packet includes great anchor charts, wonderful graphic organizers, and fun experiments for the kiddos.
We used our ScienceSaurus to go in depth about the states of matter. The kiddos completed the first part the graphic organizer in pairs. I'm big on teamwork. I was able to assess the students on the last part of the graphic organizer, because they completed it on their own.

We started our big graph project this week. We were actually able to finish it as well. SCORE! I wanted to kiddos to be able to conduct a survey, organize their data, and create a graph with questions for their peers to answer. A tall order, I know. Yet, they were able to go beyond my expectations! I created a project outline for the students (shown above). 

 The kiddos then conducted their survey and recorded their data.

 They organized their data onto a frequency chart using the app Doceri. .

The kiddos created their graph using the website Kid's Zone. The website is really user friendly. My kiddos didn't have ANY trouble creating their graphs. They even customized them with different colors and fonts. So creative! I had the kiddos upload their graph to their Doceri App project. They added in 3 questions and then recorded themselves giving a presentation on the iPad. This was all done in Doceri. If you don't have the app, you need to get it NOW! It is amazing. After the projects were complete, they were uploaded to Edmodo. I'm just SOOO proud of my kiddos!


  1. Thanks for hosting and posting! I love the kid zone site! I never knew it existed! I foresee my self using it in the future! This linky party is so helpful!!

    1. Yea! That is my goal. Helping other teachers out. I'm SO happy that you found the post useful and will use some of the ideas in your room. SCORE!
