Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bright Ideas Blog Hop Round 2: Cheap Classroom Bulletin Boards.

This is the second installment of:

Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. Below is 
me! 100% me and most teachers I know.

Funny Encouragement Ecard: Does anyone else feel like they might just break even on their teaching salary after spending all of this money getting our classrooms ready ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Who loves cute bulletin boards? More like, who doesn't like cute bulletin boards?!

As teachers, we have all the money in the world to spend on making tons of fancy bulletin boards.
I seriously hate how much money I used to spend on bulletin board paper. It was such a waste!

Well now I have a secret that has me saying, "I will never buy those expensive bulletin board paper rolls ever again!" Here is why.....

Plastic table clothes from Dollar Tree!  

                 Here are some pictures from my classroom. 


The table clothes are easy to use. Learn from my mistake, you need to pull it tightly as you staple or hot glue to a wall or door. If you don't, you'll have some wrinkles going on.

Thank you all for stopping by on this fabulous blog hop.  You're ready to move on. Your next stop is:

Georgia Grown Kiddo's

 This blog is written by Valerie. She is going to talk to you about balancing equations using math manipulatives. Click {here} to check it out!

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. The tablecloths come in such bright colors too! I might have to try this next year.

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  2. Great fading? I'll have to remember this for next year! =)

    A+ Firsties

    1. I'm not sure if they fade. This is my first year using them. I'm going to assume they don't, because they still look great more than halfway through the year.

  3. The bright colors are great! Lots more selection than from our crummy butcher paper rolls lol.

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  4. I have been doing this for years. I love it, too, because they are huge and cover a large area so cheaply. Mine don't rip, as long as I am careful. Much cheaper than fabric and easier than trying to do the big butcher paper on my own.

  5. Mary I love your new blog design. Your fly to the top button is adorable.
