Friday, March 21, 2014

Five For Friday 3/21/2014

why can't it be spring break every month? 

I get to be human again! YES!!!!

Join me on IG for a fun little game! Click {here} to get to my IG. PS..I'm missing an "I" and I have no idea where it went LOL.

 I felt crafty this week. I love how they turned out.  I'm still working on two more. When I'm done, I'll post a how-to on my blog. Be sure to follow my blog!

We had lots of brain breaks this week. It seems their brains were already on vacation.

Have you entered the amazing giveaway from Learning Lessons with Mrs. Labrasciano? What are you waiting for? I've made life so much easier for you, by including a way to enter below! So enter already!


  1. Your little totes are super cute!

  2. Can't wait to see your process of making the totes. They are super cute! Happy Spring Break!! :)
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

    1. Hi Ana. I'll be working on a blog post within the next few weeks. Hopefully sooner :)!

  3. Excited to find out how you made those totes, they look amazing!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  4. Your blog is super cute! I'm glad I found you! And yes, love those totes! I have to try some more brain breaks with my class! If you are interested, I am running my first giveaway for a TpT gift certificate and a free item from my store!
    Tricks of the Trade in First Grade

    1. Hi Andrea. I've stopped by your blog and entered your giveaway. Adorable blog and super cute blog name.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Those totes ares ADORBS! I can't wait to read about how you made them.

    A Rocky Top Teacher

    1. Thanks Sarah. Hopefully I can finish the rest this week.
