Monday, June 30, 2014

Get to know Me! Meet Me Monday Linky

I've linked up with The Teaching Tribune. Here are some facts you didn't know about me!

I'd love to learn more about you! Comment below!


  1. Mary, I think it's really cool you teach where you went to school. I'm close, but not the same district. My husband and I have always talked about adoption as a possibility one day. Have you looked into it at all? I hear it can be quite the process, but I can't even imagine how rewarding!!! I just found you on instagram...excited to be your newest follower on there! Have a great week.
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

  2. Hi Ana! I haven't looked into adoption. We have a long way to go before we would be a in a position to adopt. I heard it is extremely expensive. Buy you're right, it has to be sooooo rewarding and worth every penny!

  3. We have a lot in common!!!!!! My hubby is a crazy Ohio State fan, too, and we would also to adopt one day! :)
    Mixing it up in Middle

  4. Hi Lori! That's awesome. Do you guys live in Ohio?

  5. We live in FL are are Gator fans - but please don't hold that against us! :) :) New follower from the meet up linky.

    Mrs. Spangler in the Middle

  6. Really good friends of ours adopted their first son almost four years ago. Now they are being blessed with two more boys this year!! Good luck with the process!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  7. We have so much in common! I also teach in the same district I went to school in and my husband and I want to adopt some day! Although we're UO fans ;)

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

    1. Hi there Tasha! I'm tiny too! barely 5'. Are we twins separated at birth?
