Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Currenty...

Eeeekkkk......So excited that it is June and to post June's Currently.

Currently is a monthly linky party with Oh' Boy 4th Grade. Head on over there to check out all the other fabulous bloggers who have linked up their posts. 

Here is mine for the month:

Listening: Awww...the one hour in the day when all is still and peaceful. Gotta rush through this post before she wakes up! LOL

Loving: I've worked to so hard my latest products check them out! Click {here} to get to my store!

Thinking: All about summer. 5 more teaching days. 2 more "just the teacher" days and then FREEDOM!!!

Wanting: Ice Cream.Yum Yum!

Needing: To win the lotto. I just want to stay home with my baby girl. In order for that to happen, I need to come into some serious cash. lol.

Summer Bucket List: 1. We must spend more time at the beach. It is only a little bit away from us, yet we never go there. I need to change that. 2. Please let me get rid of 20 lbs. I'd feel much better going to the beach more often! HAHAHA.  3. I need to hunker down and get to making more products. More store is looking pretty empty to me.

Can't wait to read all of you comments and your own blog posts. Happy Sunday!


  1. I'm jealous...We have two weeks left. Don't you just love baby nap time? Gotta love those monitors. Enjoy your week!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I miss baby nap time - my kids never sleep now : )
    I want to spend more time at the beach this summer too - easier to unplug and unwind there.

    1. I agree, the beach is a great spot to let all your stress get carried away

  3. I love your blog design- especially the little owl! Enjoy your precious baby girl- mine turned 26 one week ago!

    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm obsessed with owls. My little one is growing so fast. Tme needs t slow down!

  4. Ice Cream... YUM! I've read a few posts now where food has been mentioned.. and I'm ready to eat ice cream and s'mores now... I must be hungry!! Love nap time.. our little one is 6 weeks old, and is starting to take some naps in his crib. Today we had a 2 hour one and a 15 minute! It's all over, but I LOVE the monitor. So nice! Happy Summer, and enjoy every minute of it!
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

    1. I totally went and got some ice cream from our local ice cream parlor. So worth the calories.

      Cherish the time with your little one while he is little, It goes by way too fast! Over a 2 hour nap? That is awesome. She still doesn't take that long of a nap lol.

  5. Your blog is so cute and colorful! And now you have me wanting ice cream :) Enjoy your last couple days of school!

    Covered in Glitter and Glue

  6. I also have 5 more days. Nap time is the best. I'm lucky that my daughter still naps right now, but I know that will change soon.

    The Teacher's Backpack

  7. Summer!!!! (and ICE CREAM - Yum!) :)
    Funky First Grade Fun
