Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Do you have a rambunctious toddler on your hands? I do as well! I wish she would share some of her energy with me! 

I'm going to try my best to keep my little princess busy busy busy. That will hopefully keep her from showing her terrible two stage (hopefully). 

Here is what we did today!

I found alphabet strips at the dollar tree a few years ago. I was about to teach kindergarten at the time. Then I was switched back to 2nd grade. I saved these. Now I'm putting them to good use. She loves them!

We read Little Cloud today. I decided it would be fun for Aubrey to make her own cloud. #problem. I didn't have any paint or paint brushes. #pinterest to the rescue. I made my own paint with 1/4 cup flour and some water. I used q-tips as brushes. It worked like a charm. My baby girl had a blast!

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