Sunday, July 20, 2014

High/Low Linky Party

I've linked up with Julie. She is from A First for Everything. A super adorable blog.

Her linky party is all about your highs and lows from the week. 


My high from this week was watching this baby play on the beach/splash park. My sweet girl had a blast. We had so much fun. we went again a few days later. Do you live far from the beach?

My low was having horrible nightmares about the first day of school.
I don't go back to being a teacher for another three weeks, but the nightmares have already started! 
Seriously, people. They are horrible dreams about me not having any plans, my room not decorated, my room being given away to another teacher, horrible kids, me being waaayy late. The list goes on and on. It is every night! UGH! 
Please tell me that I'm not alone! 

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1 comment:

  1. Ha! Mary, that quote is too funny! You are definitely not alone, girl! I've had the same type of dreams. Your daughter is so precious! Seems like a million years ago my boys were that small. I miss it. Thanks so much for linking up!
