Thursday, July 24, 2014

Medical Issues... A picky toddler.... and $200

I haven't linked up with Doodle Bugs all summer. I've been super busy. So much for relaxation. 

Need the perfect thing for Back-to-School? It doesn't get anymore perfect than this. It is my If You Take a Mouse to School ELA Resource Pack. Full of centers, QR codes, vocabulary. craftivities, and so much more. Grab your copy by clicking {here}.

Since November, I've been getting dizzy spells.The kind of spells where all you can do is lay down and throw up. It has really caused my quality of life to go down. I went for testing today to try and find the cause of my spells. I have another test tomorrow. For those that are healthy, don't take it for granted! Enjoy every minute. 

MY CHILD WILL NOT EAT! Please tell me this is normal. She grazes all day long. It is rare that she eats an actual meal. No meat, no veggies. She'll eat popsicles (homemade to sneak in veggies and protein), pasta, and fruit. Other than that, nothing. It is driving me nuts. We waste so much food. 
Any tips out there for us?

Have you noticed my blog make-over? I'm in love! Seriously people, it is love! The talented Gabby from Gabby's Classroom created this masterpiece. If you are wanting to get a bloggy make-over, go visit her!
 This is huge....PEOPLE THIS IS HUGE!

I'm so excited to tease you all a little bit!

You have a chance to win serious cash! Not products, or TPT gift cards. CASH!!!! 
Find out why, when, and how later this week!
**Photo Credit to Kristen From Pregnant and Barefoot Photography** Check out her PlanetMommyhood YouTube Channel.
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  1. Love, love, love your blog makeover and you am so excited about that teaser. I hope your tests turn out well. I have some awful allergies that cause me to be dizzy and get vertigo. Benadryl always helps, but it knocks me out. I hope they find some answers for you. I know that must be so frustrating.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Thanks girl! I take Meclizine. It is an antihistamine like sorta like Benadryl. It doesn't make me tired though. It is over the counter, if you want to try it out. It might work better than Benadryl.

    2. I keep Meclizine with me too. Mine normally hits in the middle of the night. It's awful.

  2. Your blog is super fun and colorful! Love it! I’m gearing up for a big giveaway on my blog on August 11 - come stop by so you don’t miss it!!
    Beyond The Gradebook

    1. HI Sarah! Thanks so much. .I'll def be stopping by your blog!

  3. Love your new blog design. Hope you feel better soon! It's not fun trying to be a mommy and a teacher when you're not feeling well. Going to check out your "If you take a mouse to school" pack now! Looks like so much fun! I report back to work in a week, so it's time to start stocking up on my back to school goodies!

    1. Thanks so much!

      You go back to work in a week?! Oh summer is just going by so fast! I hope you have a wonderful school year!

  4. Your blog looks awesome!! Praying that you get some answers about the dizzy spells.. that's so scary! And my daughter goes through spurts on eating basically nothing to eating like a man... I've just been told to let it go, because she will eat when she is hungry.. Good Luck!

    1. Thank you for your kind words!

      I truly hope this picky eater thing is just a stage. And that is so true, she'll eat when she is hungry. Gotta remember that.

  5. Warm wishes to you in hopes that you find answers to your dizzy spells, that is a long time to be dealing with it! My niece does the same thing with eating. Any time I try and give her food, "It's yuck" or "I can't eat it". But she'll destroy a bag of goldfish or "pockable stix" (homemade juice popsicles). I don't know how she manages to keep on growing bus she is, I think it's pretty normal for everyone.
