Wednesday, December 31, 2014


                                           I'm so excited this was posted early.

1. Wallykazam is what my daughter is watching as I type this. I love the phonics included in this show. She actually learns from it.

2. I'm loving this winter break. No explanation needed.

3. I'm thinking about how blessed I am to have amazing family here in Florida, Ohio, and NY. Love you all.

4. I want this break was longer so I could spend more time with my princess.

5. I need coffee. Due to my disease, I had to cut it out. UGH! But I feel better.

6. Yes I will eating healthy! I have to in order to get my disease under control.
    If my budget calls for it, I would love to buy a professional camera.
    I wish our application that is in underwriting gets approved. I can't wait anymore. We've been waiting and waiting.  Come on bank!


  1. Hello pretty lady!! I want a longer break, too. Waa! Caffeine is so difficult to break cold turkey. I wish you good luck with that. For me, drinking a TON of water and portioning my food made the biggest difference in how I feel. However, it's so hard when you still feel hangry! Wishing you the best and Happy New Year!

    1. I totally agree. I'm always hungry. Never satisfied. It is driving me crazy. Happy New Year sweety!

  2. I am so glad you are having a great Christmas break. Enjoy the time with your daughter- too soon she will be grown and gone (mine is!) Prayers for your health to improve!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

  3. Good luck with the caffeine! I bet after a while you will be able to leave it in the past! Love your blog. So adorable!

    My Teacher Friend

    1. Hi Brandi! Thanks so much. This no coffee thing has been okay over the break, we shall see how it goes when I return to school.

  4. Good luck with the break from caffeine. I know first hand how hard that one is. You can do it though! Happy New Year to you.

    Teaching in Room 6

    1. Thanks Stephanie. Any tips on how long it takes to get over the cravings?

  5. I hope you hear something from the bank soon! Waiting is the WORST! That would be a great start to the new year! :)

    1. For real. I am NOT a patient person at all, so this wait is driving me crazy! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hi Mary! :)
    I think I am going to give up on coffee and try to get a little healthier.. wait, A LOT healthier! 2015 is the year! :)
    Melissa from Mrs. Dailey's Classroom

    1. Hi Melissa. Let me know if you need someone to talk to about cutting it out. I never thought I could do it, but I did. It is really hard though.

  7. I'm so sorry about the coffee :( But it will help you & you'll feel so proud of yourself - giving up coffee is a huge accomplishment! Good luck, Jen
