Thursday, December 11, 2014

Snowmen at Christmas

Happy Holidays everyone. I know busy and difficult this time of year can be. 
I'm here to help make it easy on you! Promise. 
And it will be 5 for Friday style with Doodle Bug Teaching.

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Do you want to build a snowman? Haha! CAN'T.GET.THAT.PHRASE.OUT.OF.MY.HEAD!

Last year, I created a book companion for Snowmen at Christmas. Never heard of the book?! GASP! It is a must read. You will fall in love with the whimsical pictures and vivid vocabulary. 

Don't have $$ of time to get the book? No worries, click (here)
Let the kids listen to it on iPads or play it whole group. 
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Snowmen at Christmas Book Companion 
Here is the cover of my book companion. You can click (here) to grab it now. You won't be disappointed. 


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We've also been having lots of reindeer fun. Learning TONS about these fascinating animals thanks to A Grace Filled Teacher and All Students Can Shine. Take a peak of what my kids created.

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I got a haircut.
I've been going through a lot physically. I have Meniere's Disease. It landed me in the hospital last week. I've not had to cut out coffee, chocolate, stress, and salt.
So to go along with the new me, I decided to change my look. It is a drastic change, but I love it.

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 My talented cousin took these gorgeous pictures of my princess. My heart hurts to see how big she is. Why does time go by so fast?

I hope everyone is having a delightful December!

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