Monday, April 27, 2015

Technology in the Classroom. Tech Tip Tuesday

I'm proud to join one of the best linky parties out there. Thank you Once Upon A Classroom for hosting. 

My tip today is about using online book readings in the classroom. I use a TON of group work in my room. I also use a lot of Responding to Literature strategies. I love the RTL style, but seriously, how was I going to get copies of books for groups of students?! The task was impossible.

Thankfully, people record themselves reading books aloud. This enables me to put my students in small groups to complete tasks. All I have to do is create a QR code with the link to the book being read online OR attach the link through Edmodo.And BAM! The students have the book right on their iPad.

Please preview the reading before you show it to students. Some readings are to low in volume, too silly, or not engaging enough. If all else fails, you can record yourself reading the book.

Where do I find the books read online? I simply Google the title. Easy Peasy.

I hope you found this little tip useful :).


  1. Hi Mary! Thanks so much for linking up! :) This is such a great tip! I never thought of just googling to look for read alouds and putting the link onto the learning management system for the students to access! Thanks for sharing.
    Once Upon a Classroom: A Teacher's Tales

  2. Great tip! I use a headphone splitter to make it possible to plug 5 sets of headphones into 1 iPad to make a listening center.
