Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Great Way to End the School Year

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It is May. That means it is time to wrap up another successful year of teaching.

If you are like me, this is what your year was like....

  For some reason, I get the itch right about now to start preparing for the new school year. Anyone with me?

If you're ready to start thinking about next school year, check out my top selling product. I just updated it. This would be the perfect thing to add print and laminate now. That way, all you have to do when you return is hang it up (or use it in small group).
Check out all the cuteness (click here)!
Needing an awesome end of year project that will showcase your students' talents? I hit the nail on the head with my newest product. I previewed the project to my kids and told them we were going to start working on it soon. Well, I haven't heard the end of it. All day long, "when are we going to start our project?" It fills this teacher's heart with happiness to know they are so eager to learn. 
This product even comes with 3 bold, editable, and kid friendly PowerPoint presentations. There are 3 different backgrounds for your kids to pick from. Your kids will love the options I've provided. If you don't want them to complete a PowerPoint OR want a hard copy of their report, I've got that covered as well. I've included a writing piece (with rubric) AND a lap book they can create. So many options for you. Pick whichever is best for your class. Click {here} to check it out.


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