Saturday, August 22, 2015

My Classroom Tour

Back To School is here!

I'm not gonna lie, I have tons of mixed emotions. Some thoughts that run through my head are below:

*Oooo...I love decorating my classroom
*Ugh that is too high for me to reach
*Hubby, I need you
*Yes I can hot glue that there
*No not there
*Do I have too many owls?
*Haha, I can never have too many owls
*I love my new stapler
*Oh look, an empty space...the possiblities are endless
*To have a desk or not have a desk...that is the question
*Bye bye desk
*Should I get rid of the student desks too?
*No, that is too much change for one year
*That doesn't even make sense
*Oh the materials in the new curriculum won't be here until the 3d week of school. GREAT IDEA

Ok, so I can go on and on and on.


Want to see my whole classroom? Check out my video tour below. 

Need some ideas for the first few weeks of school? I've got you covered as well!

I hope you have a great 2015-2016 school year. Remember you are somebody's whole world!

Image Map

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