Friday, February 14, 2014

Five for Friday AND an amazing nomination!

This week had its ups and downs. For the most part, it was a great week. The kiddos soaked up all my lessons. Gotta love that! 

I've linked up with Doodbugs for Five for Friday.

 Here are my 5 random things for the week.

 I lost two students this week. My heart hurts. My students become apart of me. I miss them so much when they leave. Our class is saddened by their absence. To help have closure I had my kiddos make each student something they could remember us by.

 Science this week was a hit. It was all about volume. The kiddos couldn't get enough of figuring out an object's volume. Love it!

 I saw this project on Pinterest and I had to try it. I love how it turned out! 

 We also had a lot of fun with fractions! This was a Valentine's Day Fraction Task Card activity. The kiddos wanted to do more. As if 20 task cards weren't enough?! I love that ask for more math! You can find this activity for free {here}.

I'm truly honored to be nominated for the Liebster Award. It made my whole week! The Liebster award is handed out to newer blogs. Liebster is a German word that means: BELOVED, CUTE, LOVELY, DEAREST, & WELCOME!
I was nominated by Sarah. She is from the blog, Chicken Soup for the Autism Teacher's Soul. She nominated me for my post about kindness. You can read it {here}.

If you would like to instill a little more kindness into your classroom, click {here} to get my Get Your Kindness Packet and Craftivity. 

 I'm going to officially accept the nominations in a future post this week. I also get to nominate 5 blogs that I think deserve the award. Stay tuned!


  1. The blowing hearts craft is so cute! Glad I stopped by :)

  2. I've come to visit after seeing your link up on Doodle Bugs but recognising your name from Chicken Soup for the Autism Teacher's Soul, oh what a small world blogging is! Love finding new blogs to read and congrats on your award nomination!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  3. Mary,

    That pinterest project is really cute!! And I've lost one of my friends this year and another will be leaving in April- I hate it!! Sarah also nominated me! YAY! I am your newest follower! Can't wait to read your answers :-)

    The Land of I Can

    1. Hi Heather. Congrats on your nomination as well. I'm heading to your blog now.

  4. Congratulations on the nomination! That is really cool. I'm sorry that you lost two students. That's always so sad to me, too.


    Always Adapting

  5. yay congrats on the nomination! That's a huge deal!

  6. I absolutely LOVE the blowing hearts pictures and am definitely going to borrow it for next year's Valentine's Day. So happy I stumbled upon your blog via Five for Friday, I am now your newest follower and can't wait to check out even more of your posts!

    Teacher Will Run for Books

  7. I am always sad when student leave too, especially in the middle of the year. By this point you have really formed a bond and sometimes it sad to see them go. I bet they loved the goodbye gift from their classmates.


    1. Exactly! I've had those two kiddos for 2 years. I looped with them. I hope they liked it. I included our class picture.

  8. Congratulations on your nomination!!! I love love love the pinterest picture activity that you did. I have seen it, but was not wanting to try something new this week...... Next year for sure! :)
    Mrs. Bentin's Blackboard

    1. Hi Ana. It was a fun and EASY activity. Great for next year. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hi Mary! Congrats on the nomination...I too got one and was excited to see a name I knew :) Love the heart photo you did this week!
    I ditto your feeling on losing two students...I've lost 2 this year and it sucks!
    Proud to be Primary

    1. Yay Elyse! I'm so glad you got one too. I love your blog!

  10. Congratulations on your nomination! I am your newest follower! Your blog is great. I love how your heart pictures turned out . SO sweet. :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
