Friday, February 21, 2014

Five for Friday!

Why are short weeks always harder to get through than a regular week?

I've linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching.
Here are my 5 random things for the week.

I got to spend an extra day home with my beautiful princess. She makes my heart melt! How many days until summer?

I got to thinking how fast time goes by. I was bored and decided to go through old pictures. I found a picture of my sweet girl. it was taken this same time last year. Look how much she has changed? Where does the time go?

We started a biography report on an African American hero. The students browsed through different books to decided who they wanted to do their report on. I can't wait to get more in depth with this project. The kiddos are also VERY excited.

I introduced a new center this week. It is a wonderful packet created by The Brown Bag Teacher. My kiddos LOVED completing this center. I would definitely check this packet out for your kiddos. It is worth the $.

We're trying something new in our class. Our speech pathologist gave my class a mini lesson on Whole Body Listening. I will continue to follow through today. We will practice practice practice until we get the hang of it. Does anyone else do this? Any tips for me?


  1. AMEN to the shorter weeks being longer than 5 day ones!! AHHHH so glad it's Friday!! :) :) I hope you have a relaxing weekend! :)
    Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd

    1. Everyone at school was saying the same thing about last week. I hope you have a great weekend as well :)!

  2. Your daughter is so cute! I would love to learn more about the whole body listening method my self!
