Wednesday, December 31, 2014


                                           I'm so excited this was posted early.

1. Wallykazam is what my daughter is watching as I type this. I love the phonics included in this show. She actually learns from it.

2. I'm loving this winter break. No explanation needed.

3. I'm thinking about how blessed I am to have amazing family here in Florida, Ohio, and NY. Love you all.

4. I want this break was longer so I could spend more time with my princess.

5. I need coffee. Due to my disease, I had to cut it out. UGH! But I feel better.

6. Yes I will eating healthy! I have to in order to get my disease under control.
    If my budget calls for it, I would love to buy a professional camera.
    I wish our application that is in underwriting gets approved. I can't wait anymore. We've been waiting and waiting.  Come on bank!

One Word ... An IG and Blog Linky

It has been one heck of a year. Bye bye 2014.
Hello 2015.

What will your 2015 be like? What do you want it to be like?

Join me for this super fun (and easy) IG and blog linky party. 

Just copy the image below and insert into your post with a word that will describe how your 2015 will be. Then write a blog post and link it here. 

Post the picture with your work on IG using the hashtag #oneword2015 . 

Super fun and easy! 

I'll start!
 This is an important word to me on many levels. All personal. I will share two with you. 

1. I will be triumphant over my meniere's disease
that has taken over my life. I've started making HUGE changes. Including, no coffee or chocolate. Cut down on stress and lower sodium intake to only 1500mg a day. I will also start exercising which has been shown to help with symptoms. I can't let this disease keep taking everything from me. I will WIN!

2. I will be triumphant and overcome my past that ruined my credit. I started the rebuilding process and this will hopefully lead us into buying a new house this year. 

Wish me luck everyone!

 Want to join the fun. Copy this picture below and insert your own word. Then write a short blog post and link up here. Don't forget to post on IG using the hashtag #oneword2015.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Out With The Old and In With The New


I've linked up with fellow Floridian, Susan, from Passion In Portable Land. She is hosting this end of the year linky. 

Questions to ponder as you remember...

1.  What were the best memories of 2014? 

There were so many great memories. The best were shared with my family at Sea World. As a teacher, I get in free, the baby is free, and Shane is a Pass-holder which MORE then pays for itself. 

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2.  What do you remember most about 2014?

I'll remember our Florida Teacher Blogger Meet-Ups. We are a special bunch of ladies.

Okay here we go:

1. I have Meniere's Disease. To sum it up, it is an inner ear problem that now has me getting dizzy out of nowhere, throwing up (bc of the dizziness), hearing loss in my right ear, ringing and fulness in my ears. There is no cure and no real treatment. To combat this, I've made some HUGE life changes. 
*No more than 1500mg of sodium intake a day. Seriously this is soooo hard. Everything has sodium in it.Muffins, pancakes, bread, EVERYTHING!

*This one kills me but, no more coffee! Yes I said it. I can't drink coffee! UGH! Apparently it is a trigger. BOOO.

*No more chocolate because of the caffeine. Another dagger to my heart. 

*Lessen my stress. Bahahaha. That is a funny one! How can I lower my stress as a teacher?! Well I gotta try. This one is my biggest trigger for attacks. 

Wish me luck on my journey! I need it.

2. Buy a HOUSE! I can't wait. We are just waiting on underwriting and then we can own look for homes. Wahoooo! 

There ya have folks. Join in on the fun and link up. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Favorite Things Linky With Erica's Ed-Ventures


I've linked up with the talented Erica from Erica's Ed-Ventures. 
She is hosting an adorable linky. 

Time to list some of my favorite things!


 Spending time with this precious miracle! 
I can't believe she is 2 1/2. Seriously where does the time go?

Christmas Pjs. I wear them every year. I need new ones this year because these have been lost in our move. 

Oh Michael! You make my heart melt (shhh don't tell the hubby). I absolutely love watching this talented singer perform his Christmas special. This year the baby was entertained by it as well. We recorded it and watch it several times day LOL!

The last thing that is on my fave list is my new hair! I feel like a different person. I was TERRIFIED to get bangs, but so glad I did. 
There a have it folks. Here is a special message for you all.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Snowmen at Christmas

Happy Holidays everyone. I know busy and difficult this time of year can be. 
I'm here to help make it easy on you! Promise. 
And it will be 5 for Friday style with Doodle Bug Teaching.

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Do you want to build a snowman? Haha! CAN'T.GET.THAT.PHRASE.OUT.OF.MY.HEAD!

Last year, I created a book companion for Snowmen at Christmas. Never heard of the book?! GASP! It is a must read. You will fall in love with the whimsical pictures and vivid vocabulary. 

Don't have $$ of time to get the book? No worries, click (here)
Let the kids listen to it on iPads or play it whole group. 
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Snowmen at Christmas Book Companion 
Here is the cover of my book companion. You can click (here) to grab it now. You won't be disappointed. 


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We've also been having lots of reindeer fun. Learning TONS about these fascinating animals thanks to A Grace Filled Teacher and All Students Can Shine. Take a peak of what my kids created.

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I got a haircut.
I've been going through a lot physically. I have Meniere's Disease. It landed me in the hospital last week. I've not had to cut out coffee, chocolate, stress, and salt.
So to go along with the new me, I decided to change my look. It is a drastic change, but I love it.

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 My talented cousin took these gorgeous pictures of my princess. My heart hurts to see how big she is. Why does time go by so fast?

I hope everyone is having a delightful December!