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Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Different Spin On Turning In Work & Homework Due Every 2 Weeks...

I've linked up with Doodle Bugs Teaching. One of my favorite linky parties out there. Am I right?!
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We are hitting the curriculum hard! One thing that is truly helping my kiddos grasp all area of literature, is my Lap Book.

We created a few in class. This is what I'm assigning them for homework. They have two weeks to complete a lap book.
Yes, I said it! I give my students 2 weeks to turn in homework. For now. Once, they are used to creating their lap book, I will shorten the time down. 
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Here is a little preview of my classroom.The kiddos gleefully entered OUR room and couldn't wait to take a tour. That was the very first thing we did. The next day, I received owl stickers and drawings. I think they got the hint that I like owls. LOL!
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I worked REALLY hard on establishing a wonderful classroom community. The kiddos truly enjoy nominating their classmates for our Student of The Week. Each week, we work on a character trait. Last week was trustworthy. This week is responsibility (the student of the week gets to pick which trait is going to be worked on for the week). We complete thinking maps and essays throughout the week. On Friday, they nominate a student that fits into the category. They have to list reasons why they nominated them. 

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Seriously Class Dojo! Ugh!!!!! We were just getting into a nice routine and BOOM, website is down for the WHOLE day!
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DIY (aka I'm broke) turn in folders. This wasn't my original idea. The DIY and the new twist is mine. The original idea came from Polka Dot Lesson Plans. 
Where I put it:  Below my white board. There wasn't any other spot. 
How I use it: During the day, instead of someone collecting papers, the students turn in their OWN work to their folder.  This will also let me know WHEN most of the students are done. No more, "Raise your hand if you're still working".
How I made them: Ok, after all the $$ spent on classroom supplies, there wasn't any money left over for those "fancy" folders the above website used.  But I did have left over page dividers (plastic and paper). I've had them for years. I used the plastic dividers for the base (more sturdy). Then I measured and cut (at an angle) the paper dividers. I simply stapled together and then stapled to the wall. 

Well peeps, that's all for this week. What have you been up to?


  1. I love your student of the week idea. It is so important to incorporate and model character into our classrooms. Thanks for sharing!


  2. I love the student of the week idea! Do you have a list of character traits you incorporate each week? Also, do you have a form you use for student submissions?

    1. Thank you! I don't have a form. I simply have them write it on lined paper. The character traits is from a store on TPT, but I don't remember who. Sorry sweety.
